What does he say about his cycling career? – B1 English Listening Test Listening » B1 Listening Tests » What does he say about his cycling career? – B1 English Listening Test B1 Listening Test - Multiple choice Tests: 456789 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear a radio interview with a young sports star, called Michael. https://testenglishonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/b1/pet/pet-p4-30.mp3 1 When Michael got his first bikeA he fell off it all the time.B he rode it whenever he could.C he went for rides with his big brother. 2 What does Michael say about his cycling career?A It’s always been easy for him.B He almost gave up.C He couldn’t have done it without his parents. 3 What is the most difficult thing for Michael?A not seeing his friends very oftenB getting up early in the morningC going to the gym every day 4 What does Michael say a professional athlete must do?A eat healthy foodB sleep a lotC go to the gym every day 5 What does Michael sometimes do to relax?A read a bookB play sportsC watch films 6 In the future, Michael plans toA give up being involved with cycling.B train young cyclists.C win as many competitions as possible. Loading... Tests: 456789